Japanese Kit Kats

Japanese Kit Kats is the newest release from >dr_obert:

This four song EP is a little bit of a departure from his first single Smile Anime Girl. Japanese Kit Kats is less Synthwave inspired, instead it leans much more into LoFi Hip Hop, Ambient and straight Techno.

Track Listing:

  1. XO Chill- This is >dr_obert:’s take on LoFi Hip Hop. Slow beat, upright bass and a nice smooth piano

  2. Wild Like Them- The most ambient of the recordings. This was done the day my cat died, I was not in a good mood. We also didn’t know what happened to him so I was equal parts confused.

  3. Japanese Kit Kats- The Techno song. This was made exclusively using the Moog Subharmonicon with the exception of the drums and percussion (Maschine). So yeah that’s all Subharmonicon.

  4. 9410- Made for someone special. Again another LoFi Hip Hop style song. This was by far the hardest to mix and master. I still don’t know why.






I hope you enjoy. It was a lot of fun to make.


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