Moon Door’s Next Steps

If you had a chance to read my previous post about why I started down this path. Stop everything and read it!!! Just kidding, to recap, I love making music and movies and I am extremely fortunate to be able to have a space and equipment to create music and video. This post is about the next steps and turning the hobby into a business.

My dad was set to retire end of 2019. So for a gift I surprised him with some equipment for we can start our Los Angeles Rams Podcast, Turn Your Head & Goff. It was perfect, a great chance for my dad and I to connect and be able to talk on a weekly basis. It was also a way to keep my dad engaged and creative. Apparently it is hard for some people to not work, I don’t have that problem if I could retire today and just have fun in the studio all day, I would! So when this was decided in my head I moved forward with it. Then I was having a conversation with my trainer that really changed my scope and thinking.

After talking about the Podcast idea with my dad, Brandon my trainer had mentioned to me that him and a few other trainers wanted to do a Podcast about fitness. It was something hey had been talking about for a long time. So I mentioned to him that I have the space and I would be more than willing to help them record and get their Podcast out to the world. Now, I am going to tell you I’m a pretty serious guy in the sense when I dive in, I DIVE IN! Typically, people get hyped but it falls apart. I will say these guys have been just as committed as I have been.

We had a kick off meeting. I explained to them my Podcasting experiences (I did a video game podcast years ago). These guys had notes, had vision and were ready to go! Of that came the RAMP Fitness Podcast.

This was perfect for me because I would work the boards, get them sounding good. Basically doing the stuff I love and the best part I don’t have to say anything!

So now I participate in two Podcasts, making websites for Turn Your Head & Goff. At the same time, while I really do like my day job, it was no longer challenging me and I needed something more. So I decided it wasn’t enough to just to have this fun place to make things, I needed to supplement the challenge I was lacking at work and apply that to starting my own business. Now starts another fun journey, learning how to start and operate a business.

Hopefully your will join me on this adventure. Also, as new content gets created whether that is a Podcast or music (something is coming in 2020), I want to share the process with you. Ultimately I don’t know if I am going to open the studio up to the public or keep it very tight and just have very selective clients. I do want this to be a forum for myself and you, I want to share my successes and also the failures as I move forward. Even if you don’t like the content I am a part of, I am hoping we can all learn together.

Turn Your Head & Goff is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and many more! You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

RAMP Fitness is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and many more! Follow them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.


Building the Dream...


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