RAMP Fitness

Good day to everyone reading this. Well, it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything but that doesn’t mean I have been sitting around. I am really excited to share with you RAMP Fitness!

This all started late last year when I was telling my trainer about the Podcast I was going to start with my dad. Brandon, my trainer had mentioned that him and a few of his trainer friends had wanted to do a podcast. So I invited them to the studio and the RAMP Fitness Podcast was born. It didn’t take me too long to realize these guys were super committed had a lot of great ideas. What they had probably needed more than a Podcast, specifically given the visual nature of what they do.

So the five of us, Brandon, Mitch, Justus, Dan and myself sat down and had a nice conversation. It was decided that we were going to launch a website, produce videos and expand content.

So for three months we have been recording podcasts and building a website and video content. Originally we planned on launching April 1st, however with COVID-19 that did delay our plans. Because of that we released a couple podcast episodes last week to start getting the word out. It has been a fun couple weeks, working until 2AM to get this out to the world. But today (April 8, 2020) is the day. Officially RAMP Fitness is up and running!

For me it has been great working with these guys. Also, getting me out of my comfort zone, specifically with videos has been a great learning experience. And because of this I will be able to bring more content out here as well.

Go check out what we have made:





If you like what you see or have any questions, feel free to reach, we would love to hear from you!

Now back to the EP…


A Milestone Achieved!


How to Get Rid of Unwanted Sound in Your Mix