Moon Door Studios

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The Podcasts

I always like to include people in things I do. I have a particular soft spot for music. If that is giving a guitar to my former neighbor before we moved to Portland. Or it’s buying instruments for my nieces and nephews. Or giving guitar lessons to one of the dad’s at my daughters school. I like to give and I really like to give music.

Now Podcasts are different. Years ago I was a part of a fun video games Podcast. That really just came from a Twitter friend and myself going back and forth about wanting to start a Podcast and we each go a friend involved. Unfortunately it was a little shorter lived than what is could have been, in fact I showed my wife the total downloads of that one and she was shocked. Now it ended for a few reasons and I take some of the blame. I wasn’t understanding enough of some of the members life changes and I was angry. Anyway, if you want my version of that story I will tell you. Today it’s all about moving forward.

I tell you about my old Podcast because I really liked doing it. I was always a fan of the radio and a medium. Example, I love Howard Stern. I prefer to listen to Dodgers games on the radio as opposed to watching on TV. There is just something special about telling a story in a way that is visual without having any visuals.

In March of 2019 my dad called me and told me he was faced with retirement. He told me the package he would get and my advice to him was to take it and take the next step in his life. As his retirement date came closer my stepmom would call me to let me know he was feeling down. A funny thing when you retire, you identify with work as part of who you are for a long time. Then at the end the business and the people around you have to move on. That means you don’t have the same level of involvement. It is just a natural progression.

So as his last day became closer, I reached out to my brother and sisters. Originally we were going to get him a guitar. That wasn’t going to be a reality simply because we couldn’t afford to do something that nice (I have expensive taste in guitars). So I started to think. What could I do for my dad that was fun, gave him something to put energy into. Most importantly something we can do together. Then it hit me, we were going to start a Podcast on the LA Rams, a weekly source of conversation for both of us anyway.

So I get buy him equipment and get him all set up. My wonderful stepmom bought my dad a plane ticket to visit us a week before Christmas. What was waiting for him was Podcasting equipment.

All while this was going on I was talking with my PT at the gym and told him what I was planning. He had mentioned to me that him and a few other trainers wanted to start a Podcast. They didn’t know how to start one, what equipment to get. You know the normal stuff. So I told him I had a studio that I could easily record them.

Within two hours of leaving the gym, they were all in and ready to go.

So in the span of a week the RAMP Fitness and Turn Your Head & Goff Podcasts were born.

I could not be happier with this. Again, I like this medium. I think some of the most creative fun things happen in the Podcasting space. The best part of all, everyone is having fun, I get to engineer them. It all just works for everyone.

So if you live in the Portland area and want to start a Podcast, let me know. Moon Door is a really great spot for it. Reach out and email me if you want to know more information on the space, rates and services I can help you with shoot me an email